International Association for Health and Preservation of Shepherd Dogs
Bear | Uknow Im Your Guardian of the Dutch Highlands

Health results:
Hips: R:5 L:6 total: 11
Elbows: 0/0
Eyes: free from abnormalities
Basic cardiac: normal
Pituitary Dwarfism: normal
Registered entire
Complete correct scissorbite
COI by Embarkvet: 23%
Owner information:
Kennel Swish Sheps
Dawn Walker
(+44) 07591691150
About Bear:
Bear adores people, dogs, cats, birds, everyone and everything. He absolutely loves making new friends and has a local neighbourhood fan club who take time out of their day to come and meet him if they see him out and about. Gentle with puppies and smaller dogs, he can let them jump on him for hours and he never gets annoyed or angry with them. Strange dogs he has never met before of any size can come charging up to him and he will remain perfectly calm and still. They start off barking at him but end up the best of friends. Bear likes to push his head down and onto your chest to receive cuddles. He gets very excited when he knows his dinner is being served. Nothing - NOTHING - escapes him. Has to be involved in everything the family is doing, doesn’t like to be left out. If anything in the house has moved or something new has appeared, he will notice, check it out and report on his findings. Playful, cheeky, friendly, lovely male, a joy to live with. Just a big cuddly Bear.
Number of litters and puppies:
Kabokane’s Cleopatra: 6 live males & 1 live female (AI)
Yadiel Jamilstar Ginger: 4 live males & 4 live females (AI)
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Videos of this dog: